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Communication coaching

Disagreements and interpersonal tension are preventing your team from shipping quickly. As the product leader, you need them to get past the storming phase and get to performing quickly.

Team cohesion is of utmost importance and is most at risk in fast-paced environments where friction is highly disruptive. Instead of avoiding tough conversations, work with a partner who has firsthand experience with the stresses of their work to coach them to resolve their disagreements and focus on shipping.

  • Defuse potentially difficult situations by being more aware of the dynamics involved
  • Proactively address differences by learning how to ask for feedback and to listen with openness
  • Resolve frustrations by learning how to give feedback without triggering defensivessness
  • Apply these skills in 1:1 and team settings using real-world examples
  • Become more self-aware by understanding the impact of their actions
Best for
  • Product orgs that need to gel and get back to the business of shipping products
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Tina's communication workshop takes the scariness out of what any team of humans goes through when working together — emotions. She had us put the concepts we had just learned into immediate practice by replaying past conversations that could have gone better. Doing this as a team and openly discussing the scenarios gave us a stable common ground that we can build on when future moments of tension inevitably arise.

Raquel Romano LinkedIn

Senior Director of Engineering


  1. How do I know if my team needs this training?

    If your team works on new product development, this is essential even if it may not seem like it. In other situations, some signals include: the team doesn't seem to have many disagreements, team members are quiet and do not voice dissent, elephants in the room are ignored, there are major organizational changes, or the team struggles with execution.

  2. Why would learning how to give and receive feedback help?

    Effective communication keeps the team healthy and working smoothly. It prevents frustrations from building up and team members from burning out or quitting abruptly, which would hinder progress in product development.

  3. What framework would we learn?

    We'll use a framework for giving and receiving feedback aligned with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Stanford's Interpersonal Dynamics (Touchy Feely), both well-established methods with a proven track record of improving communication.

  4. How is this different from other communication workshops?

    With over 10 years of experience facing similar challenges in startups and other fast-paced environments, I intimately understand these difficulties. My personal experience applying the framework in such situations has transformed stressful moments into productive learning experiences that strengthen relationships. Disagreements are unavoidable, but we're not powerless to change them.

  5. Will we be able to communicate more effectively?

    I have spent over 100 hours in T-groups and work situations giving and receiving feedback. I have has also trained over 50 people, helping to improve their team communication. The team will learn the theory and practice applying it. Like any skill, communication will improve with continuous practice, and will become easier over time.

  6. Why is this beneficial?

    Managing people challenges is often more demanding and emotionally taxing than dealing with technical issues. While team members may have trained for years in engineering, design, and other technical areas, many have never learned this essential skill. To advance to senior roles, team members must be able to build strong working relationships.

More questions? Let's chat.


I thoroughly enjoyed the interpersonal communications workshop led by Tina Nguyen. The discussion included a framework for approaching tough conversations, and I truly appreciated the thoughtful approach Tina maintained throughout the entire program. Each time I participated in the workshop (yes, I attended more than once!), I felt that Tina created a safe space for everyone to share and learn together. I walked away from Tina’s workshop with an enhanced communications skillset, all thanks to her wonderful guidance.

Patrick Clinger LinkedIn

Director of Engineering


I took the interpersonal communications workshop led by Tina. I learned important lessons around how to effectively communicate in difficult situations and how to manage my own feelings in such situations to be able to ultimately move forward. This is by no means an easy thing to do and Tina knew this; this is why she would gently probe us to practice on the spot with other individuals to solidify such a skillset. Tina taught the workshop in true Tina style - ensuring everyone felt comfortable while simultaneously pushing us out of our comfort zone. Her authentic approach and general desire to make sure everyone came out of the workshop with something was evident and appreciated throughout. To this day, when I get upset (whether at home or at work) I take a breath, think about the template of how to communicate in such situations and go from there. It’s been a real game changer!

Tharshika Gnanachelvan LinkedIn

Senior Product Manager


I recently had the privilege of attending an interpersonal communications workshop led by Tina. This session was a key part of our professional development program and had a significant impact on my approach to workplace communication. Tina's guidance on tackling challenging conversations, providing constructive feedback, and handling disagreements was especially noteworthy. Her advice was practical and directly applicable, which we could immediately put into practice through live pairing and scenario role-playing. Thanks to this workshop, I now have a better framework for approaching interpersonal communications.

Arjun Variar LinkedIn

Staff Software Engineer


I attended Tina's Interpersonal Comms Workshop recently and it was really interesting! The workshop has provided me with a guiding mental map that I use when I need to have hard conversations at work. In the past I felt uncomfortable starting difficult conversations because of the uncertainty around how the other person would react, or uncertainty on the best way to present my thoughts. This workshop provided me with a template for planning hard conversations. It also helped me understand the danger zones that could cause negative or unintended reactions during a hard conversation. I am a Senior Software Engineer (8 years experience), but I've never been taught this before. Given how crucial conversations are in my field, I think all engineering organizations should provide training for handling hard conversations.

Graeme Browning LinkedIn

Senior Software Engineer


A particularly memorable experience was participating in an interpersonal communications workshop — it provided a structured framework for navigating challenging conversations in a professional setting. The practice sessions in small groups were particularly helpful, because they allowed us to engage in honest communication outside our regular work settings, which helped create a safe and trusting environment within the team. Tina's leadership in this workshop reinforced her commitment to fostering effective communication and building strong interpersonal relationships within our team.

Noa Kim LinkedIn

Senior Product Designer


Tina's interpersonal communications workshop was invaluable for our team. She guided us through a variety of challenging topics like conflict resolution and the art of providing constructive feedback. Her thoughtful approach and wealth of experience helped everyone on the team grow.

Sean LeBlanc LinkedIn

Staff Software Engineer


But the most valuable lesson was the communication framework she left me with, I became a more effective communicator and I’ve also noticed a culture shift within the team that made giving and receiving feedback a natural and liberating experience.

Daihan Zhu LinkedIn

Product Designer

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